10 Steps for Financial Success

Resources and tools compiled exclusively for 50/50 Leadership by NerdWallet.

Steps include: Financial Mindset, Budgeting, Building Credit, Housing and Renting, Employment, and more.

Step 2: Budgeting NEW!

  • Divide your income among needs, wants, savings and debt repayment, using the 50/30/20 budget. READ MORE

  • Personal finance is the process of making money, saving money, building wealth and protecting assets.. READ MORE

  • You can fit both into your budget and still set money aside for emergencies if you manage your spending with care. Keep reading to learn how to balance financial needs and wants. READ MORE

  • Learn the difference between these financial goals, as well as how to budget and save for them. READ MORE

  • Following a popular budgeting rule, you’ll devote 20% of your monthly income to savings and debt. READ MORE

  • Auditing your expenses and negotiating with lenders and service providers will help you hold on to more money. READ MORE


  • The goal of budgeting systems is to help you get a sense of where your money is going and how you might want to adjust your spending. Each budgeting method uses a different approach to reach that goal, so choosing one is all about deciding what works best for you. WATCH

  • At the root of any good financial strategy is a budget. We spoke with our credit card and personal finance expert, Kimberly Palmer, on how to update your budget in the wake of the pandemic.. WATCH


Cool Tools

Budget Planner Worksheet

See how your spending aligns with the 50/30/20 rule.

Monthly 50/30/20 Budget Calculator

Create a suggested budget

Savings Goal Calculator

Determine how much to contribute each month

Step 1: Financial Mindset

  • What is money management, exactly? It’s a plan for your money so you can make the most of it. This plan typically involves budgeting and saving money, avoiding or reducing debt and investing in your future. READ MORE

  • Financial stress can set back your retirement goals, but these strategies can help you get on track. READ MORE

  • Here’s how to reenter the world of socializing and spending while keeping friendships and finances intact. READ MORE

  • Addie McHale, a Denver-based certified financial planner, gives the following tips for befriending your money. READ MORE

  • Here’s how experts recommend recovering from money mistakes without being a jerk to yourself. READ MORE


  • NerdWallet’s Smart Money podcast, where we answer your real-world money questions.. LISTEN

  • Washington Post personal finance columnist and author Michelle Singletary discussing her new book, “What to do With Your Money When Crisis Hits,” and how her experience as a Black woman informs her writing. LISTEN

  • Personal finance Nerd Kim Palmer talks with money author and educator Bola Sokunbi about budgeting and side gigs. LISTEN


Step 3: Bills, Making and Managing Money

Coming Next!

Step 2: Budgeting

  • 4 Budgeting Systems You Need to Know

    The goal of budgeting systems is to help you get a sense of where your money is going and how you might want to adjust your spending. Each budgeting method uses a different approach to reach that goal, so choosing one is all about deciding what works best for you. WATCH

    It's Time to Update Your Budget

    At the root of any good financial strategy is a budget. We spoke with our credit card and personal finance expert, Kimberly Palmer, on how to update your budget in the wake of the pandemic. WATCH

Step 1: Financial Mindset